Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Current Books

Suddenly Felt I should share the books I'm reading

1) Beyond the J Curve: Managing a portfolio of VC and PE fund

This is an amazing book. I've always been trying to find a good resource for VC/PE funds that goes beyond the theoretical surface information. Certain important parts such as how does the distribution waterfall actually work, whether the principal is repaid, how and when hurdle rate kicks in seems easy to understand but are difficult to apply. This is especially so when you try to contruct a financial model to see how does a PE/VC fund cashflow look like throughout the fund lifetime.

These concepts are very important but they are not explained fully in other books. So its very difficult when trying to understand a fully structured VC/PE model. This book however does provide much more indept explanation which is good :)

2) The 36 Strategies of the Chinese

This is also a very good book, written by a NUS professor. It applies ancient chinese wisdom to a business setting. Being Chinese myself, and having a father who has sucessfully applied these strategies across various situations, I had read this book when I was very young in the past.

Now, with much more life experience, I have a very different pespective when reading this book. I will read it again when I reach 30 and see whether there is any new wisdom gained lol.

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