Monday, May 11, 2009

Interesting Video.

One interesting quote:

"What we are tending to do is increase technology risk so we can reduce market risk. We will generally take on more market risks, have a bigger jump, and a larger probability of failing at the technology such that when we enter the market we have a larger competitive advantage."
- Vinod Khosla

Assuming that two companies have equivalent risks, but one has more market risk then technology and vice versa, Kholsa would rather invest in the one with technology risk then the one with market risk.

Based on that very statement, I can infer that Kholsa is more a technology person. He's more comfortable with technology, he's a technologist, THAT's why he prefer companies with more technology risks. A salesman, someone very good at doing bulk sales, or a VC who knows market strategy very well, would choose the former.

Individual Judgement determines the perspective of risk. Yet, the inherent risk still exists!

Therefore, investors must always face the contradiction of knowing the company inside out, but have the ability to look at it from a "fresh" perspective.... a skill I'm always trying to achieve.

Another Interesting Nugget!

"One good metric of where there is good innovation potential is to go MIT and Standford and see what's the 1st choice for PHD studies in choosing project."

Hmm interesting metric. Have to test it out somehow by looking at the innovations at these Universities and see how many actually succeed.

Some of the ideas and investment he discussed.. I didnt think were very interesting after doing the maths. Lets see how things turn out lol

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